The activity descriptions provided in this summary of ESOL infused activities or assignments are intended to provide you with information about how you meet the requirements to earn the ESOL endorsement as part of your initial certification degree. It thus concentrates on the ESOL component of the activity or assignment, and may not reflect all portions of each class assignment or activity. Carefully read through the entire assignment description in the associated course's syllabus to ensure that you fulfill all assignment requirements. If the Electronic Portfolio Assessment row indicates Yes, this means that you will upload this graded assignment to your online assessment account in LiveText/Via/Watermark/Student Learning and Licensure, etc.
ESOL Endorsement Standards | 3.2, 4.1 |
Activity Objective | Formulate a personal teaching philosophy of mathematics teaching and learning. |
Activity Description | Based on readings from the textbook and course involvement, candidates will have formulated a philosophy of mathematics teaching and learning. Candidates will think of how they will teach math, goals, content, methods, and assessment while meeting the needs of ELLs and other special needs students. |
ESOL-specific Reading(s) | Cady, J. A., Hodges, T. E., & Brown, C. L. (2010). Supporting language learners. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(8), 476-483. Robertson, K. (2009). Math instruction for English language learning. Colorin Colorado. Retrieved from |
Generic Syllabus URL | N/A |
Detailed Assignment Description URL | N/A |
Electronic Portfolio Assessment | YES |
ESOL Endorsement Standards | 3.2 |
Activity Objective | To become familiar with the Sunshine State Standards in Mathematics, use literature and writing in the classroom with students, observe how math can be integrated into the curriculum with modifications for ELLs. |
Activity Description | This module will have candidates collect a variety of children's books that teach some kind of mathematics or introduce mathematics. Candidates will also play one or more mathematical games with children and have the children write about their experiences. Modifications and accommodations for ELLs should also be evident in this assignment. Candidates will then write a reflection on how mathematics and literacy can support each other. |
ESOL-specific Reading(s) | Cady, J. A., Hodges, T. E., & Brown, C. L. (2010). Supporting language learners. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(8), 476-483. Robertson, K. (2009). Math instruction for English language learning. Colorin Colorado. Retrieved from |
Generic Syllabus URL | N/A |
Detailed Assignment Description URL | N/A |
Electronic Portfolio Assessment | YES |
ESOL Endorsement Standards | 5.1 |
Activity Objective | To become more observant of how children use mathematics in their play; begin to develop confidence in children's play as an avenue for learning; begin to formulate your own ideas about how to teach mathematics and what materials and methods you will use including play as a method; gain a deeper understanding of mathematics in the classroom |
Activity Description | For this module, candidates observe children while they are involved in play. Candidates will use the Mathematical Play Analysis Form insert to guide observations of children¡¯s play and how mathematics is a natural occurrence during playtime. Candidates must look over classroom materials in advance to be sure students have materials to support mathematical thinking such as different sized dolls in the play area, blocks, manipulatives, measuring tools, calculators, menus, ELL resources and materials, etc in dramatic play area and books that may support a mathematics play theme. For teachers who do not have regular play centers, candidates may use games for this mathematical play analysis. Be sure the games have mathematics. |
ESOL-specific Reading(s) | Cady, J. A., Hodges, T. E., & Brown, C. L. (2010). Supporting language learners. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(8), 476-483. Robertson, K. (2009). Math instruction for English language learning. Colorin Colorado. Retrieved from |
Generic Syllabus URL | N/A |
Detailed Assignment Description URL | N/A |
Electronic Portfolio Assessment | YES |
ESOL Endorsement Standards | 3.1, 4.1 |
Activity Objective | To become familiar with the Sunshine State Standards in Mathematics, begin to develop a mathematics unit that correlates with one or more of the SSS, accommodate for ELLs, and learn how to take lessons and activities for mathematics and arrange them into the learning cycle format. |
Activity Description | This assignment is designed to give candidates the opportunity to use resources as a foundation for developing their own lessons and to share ideas with others in the class. Candidates will develop 3 lessons in a unit on one or more math topics. The lesson should include modifications and accommodations for ELLs. The candidates will also teach one lesson to a small or large group of children. |
ESOL-specific Reading(s) | Cady, J. A., Hodges, T. E., & Brown, C. L. (2010). Supporting language learners. Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(8), 476-483. Robertson, K. (2009). Math instruction for English language learning. Colorin Colorado. Retrieved from |
Generic Syllabus URL | N/A |
Detailed Assignment Description URL | N/A |
Electronic Portfolio Assessment | YES |