SSE 3312

The activity descriptions provided in this summary of ESOL infused activities or assignments are intended to provide you with information about how you meet the requirements to earn the ESOL endorsement as part of your initial certification degree. It thus concentrates on the ESOL component of the activity or assignment, and may not reflect all portions of each class assignment or activity. Carefully read through the entire assignment description in the associated course's syllabus to ensure that you fulfill all assignment requirements. If the Electronic Portfolio Assessment row indicates Yes, this means that you will upload this graded assignment to your online assessment account in LiveText/Via/Watermark/Student Learning and Licensure, etc.


ESOL Endorsement Standards1.1, 3.3
Activity ObjectiveRespond to journal article and reflect on applications to social studies education.
Activity DescriptionCandidates will read this article and answer the following questions: Welsman, E.M.& Hansen, L.E.(2007) Strategies for teaching social studies to ELLs, The Social Studies, 98, p.180-186. Discuss how this information will affect you as a classroom teacher, specifically in regards to ESOL students and the ethical responsibility to educate all students. According to the article, what are the key points of making social studies accessible to ELs at all levels of proficiency? Do you agree or disagree with the key points? You must used course readings to support your opinions. If you have already completed TSL 4080, how does this article add to your understanding of SLIDE and TREAD lesson plan modifications? How did the vignettes help bring the issue to light? Do you have personal experience in classroom that you would like to share directly related to the key points addressed in the article? How does this information affect your practice as a classroom teacher in regards to your ethical responsibility to educate all students?
ESOL-specific Reading(s)Olmedo, I.M. (1993). Junior Historians: Doing Oral History with ESL and bilingual students. TESOL Journal.( Weisman, E.M. & Hansen, L. E.(2007). Strategies for teaching social studies to elementary level ELLs, The Social Studies, 98, p.180-186.
Generic Syllabus URLN/A
Detailed Assignment Description URLN/A
Electronic Portfolio AssessmentNO


ESOL Endorsement Standards3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 5.3
Activity ObjectiveCreate a one week unit plan for a K-6 classroom.
Activity DescriptionRIdentify the learning objectives, sunshine state standards, student activities and procedures, and assessment. For your unit plan, you will also need to address ways that you will make it accessible to language learners. Under the section for student activities and procedures, please identify what modifications you will use for beginning, intermediate, and advanced ELs. Under assessment, please indicate how you will assess beginning, intermediate, and advanced ELs. Finally, please indicate what resources or materials you will include that will help ELs understand the content. This can be visuals, a word list, a website, etc. They can be made by you or borrowed from an outside source.
ESOL-specific Reading(s)Olmedo, I. M. (1993). Junior Historians: Doing Oral History with ESL and Bilingual Students. TESOL Journal. ( Weisman, E.M. & Hansen, L. E. (2007). Strategies for teaching social studies to elementary level ELLs, The Social Studies, 98, p. 180-186
Generic Syllabus URLN/A
Detailed Assignment Description URLN/A
Electronic Portfolio AssessmentYES